As we head into Memorial Day weekend, I hope you have a relaxing few days with friends and family — and please remember to reflect on those who gave their lives for our freedoms.
If you are looking for a few good reads for the weekend, I highly recommend a couple of newly released books — from 2 friends — that will not only help grow your business but will make you a better human being. Seriously.
You know I’m a big fan of going against the grain when it means getting outsized results.
It’s true of marketing companies.
It’s true in political campaigns.
And it’s true of my personal life.
This is why the idea of achieving significant career success while having plenty of time for friends, family, or whatever else, is interesting and got my attention.
The idea came from my friend and New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt’s new book, “Win at Work and Succeed at Life.”
Michael and his co-author, daughter Megan Hyatt Miller, reject the notion that you have to choose between a successful career or personal life.
And their book details how you can have both.
If you’re so busy you feel like you’re trapped between the hammer and the anvil, I highly recommend Michael’s book.
My second book recommendation is all about women. As a proud “girl-dad,” I’m always drawn by the teachings and mentoring of inspirational women (like my wife). Just like Megan Hyatt Miller, there are some amazing authors out there who have helped me be a better dad and husband to my girls, including Dr. Brene Brown and Dr. Shefali Tsabary (Bonus recommendation: read any book by Dr. Brene Brown and Dr. Shefali — you’ll thank me later).
Fox News ’ Dana Perino is another inspiring leader trying to help mentor the next generation of young women.
You might think her new book, “Everything Will Be Okay — Life Lessons for Young Women (From a Former Young Woman),” is only for women.
You couldn’t be more wrong.
This book is a fantastic guide for me (and my daughter’s future), and I’m beyond grateful Dana wrote this book!
I’d love to write eloquently about Dana’s book, but she does an amazing job summarizing it here:
“EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY is a no-nonsense how-to guide to life for young women looking to reframe their thinking, to believe in themselves, to take risks, to understand their power, and to feel better overall through finding serenity and taking action. I quickly realized that quarter-life crises have begun following young women well into their thirties. Many of them are distressed but conceal it with a brave face. Unfortunately, too much of that can be — and is — exhausting. For everyone from the job-seeker fresh out of college to the ambitious career woman looking to make her next big jump up the ladder, EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY has tips, advice, and reassurance for young women everywhere.”
To help address these challenges, EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY covers such topics as:
- How to manage your relationships (colleagues, family, love)…
- How to be your best self on the job…
- How to gauge if you’re on the right career path…
- How to transition from junior staffer to boss lady…
- How to solve the biggest problems you’re facing…
- How to move past perceived obstacles…
You can buy the book HERE and read more about Dana’s incredibly inspiring life here:
Have a thoughtful and relaxing weekend!
PS — When you become an exclusive subscriber to my “Undefeated Marketing” bi-weekly data, business, and marketing blog, you will always get first (AND FREE) access to our consumer data and insider offers before anyone else (i.e., your competition). If you know someone that will benefit from these key insights, forward this to them and encourage them to sign up HERE.
PPS — And check out my brand new show, The Undefeated Marketing Podcast! This show will take a deep dive into my 5-step marketing system with insightful guests, actionable tips, and a better understanding of how a data-backed marketing system will allow you to win big. CLICK HERE to subscribe and hear my latest episode with DAVID MEERMAN SCOTT