There’s an old axiom in politics, “When you are explaining, you are losing.”(*My wife says the same thing to me during an argument.)
Think about an instance where you’ve heard a politician try to defend themselves against an outrageous attack — by repeating the attack, and thus, further branding the accusation in the brains of the voters.
Does it always work? No. But it works enough to do it.
That’s why the marketing team behind Bud Light’s brilliantly deployed negative attack campaign on Coors Light and Miller Lite will go down as legendary.
Let’s dig in because this issue is fire hot!
Earlier this year, Bud Light made a major advertising move — targeting Coors Light and Miller Lite for using corn syrup in their brewing process (Bud Light uses rice instead of corn syrup). It’s estimated that Bud Light spent close to $50 million on the “negative” ad campaign — including $13 million during the Super Bowl.